HCL Software

HCL Software

HCL Software

HCL Verse
DOMI (Domino Online Meeting Integration)

HCL Verse
DOMI (Domino Online Meeting Integration)

HCL Verse

DOMI (Domino Online Meeting Integration)




May 2022-Nov 2022




-Design strategy

-Prototyping using Figma




-Product Designer

-UX UI Designer

What is HCL Verse?

What is HCL Verse?

What is HCL Verse?

HCL Verse is a modern web and mobile PWA email and calendar client that is designed to improve productivity and streamline communication within organizations. It offers an intuitive user interface and integrates with other HCL products to provide a unified user experience.

Project Overview

Project Overview

Project Overview

DOMI project focuses on integrating various online meeting platforms seamlessly within the HCL Verse environment. This feature allows users to schedule, join, and manage online meetings directly from their Vers calendar, enhancing productivity and user experience.

The design for this project was developed by analyzing user workflows and identifying pain points in existing calendar and meeting systems. Through user feedback and iterative design processes, a streamlined and intuitive interface was created to simplify online meeting management.

Project Outcomes

Configuration UI added to the Settings

The user is required to go to the 'Settings' page in order to configure DOMI meeting service. This new UI is added under 'Calendar' section following 'Online Meeting Configuration' settings where the user saves permeant meeting link (reusable meeting link).

Enable Meeting Service dialog.

To enable DOMI feature for selected meeting platform, the user is required to obtain OAuth token. Within simple steps to follow on the modal dialog, the user can easily obtain token.

Integration in Calendar

If the user has enabled meeting services, (Sametime is HCL's product and the enterprise that purchase this product can automatically enable DOMI feature with it)

The user can access them in Verse Calendar form.

Design Detail

Customer complain

This project was initiated in response to customer feedback that PM gathered during a company conference and through an online survey about potential feature enhancements. Many customers expressed frustration with the need to navigate to separate online meeting platforms to schedule online meetings, then return to the Verse calendar to paste the copied meeting link and send it to invitees. This process became particularly cumbersome when meeting times needed to be rescheduled, requiring users to update both the Verse calendar and the meeting service separately. The primary goal of this project was to streamline this workflow, allowing users to schedule and manage online meetings directly within the Verse calendar, thereby enhancing productivity and user satisfaction.


While developing the user workflow of configuration of the online meeting service in Verse and the interface that the user is interacting with, I collaborated with developers in consideration of the technical feasibility of the design I deliver. Configuration process was quite complicated since DOMI needed to support Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex, and GoToMeeting, each with its unique API requirements. This necessitated the use of modern APIs for creating, updating, and deleting meetings across these platforms. However, as users' perspective, I wanted the user to interact with an uniform dialog that contains ONLY the most necessary steps and data for the user since all of the API and the server connections should be happening behind the scene.

Design Detail

Customer complain

This project was initiated in response to customer feedback that PM gathered during a company conference and through an online survey about potential feature enhancements. Many customers expressed frustration with the need to navigate to separate online meeting platforms to schedule online meetings, then return to the Verse calendar to paste the copied meeting link and send it to invitees. This process became particularly cumbersome when meeting times needed to be rescheduled, requiring users to update both the Verse calendar and the meeting service separately. The primary goal of this project was to streamline this workflow, allowing users to schedule and manage online meetings directly within the Verse calendar, thereby enhancing productivity and user satisfaction.


While developing the user workflow of configuration of the online meeting service in Verse and the interface that the user is interacting with, I collaborated with developers in consideration of the technical feasibility of the design I deliver. Configuration process was quite complicated since DOMI needed to support Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex, and GoToMeeting, each with its unique API requirements. This necessitated the use of modern APIs for creating, updating, and deleting meetings across these platforms. However, as users' perspective, I wanted the user to interact with an uniform dialog that contains ONLY the most necessary steps and data for the user since all of the API and the server connections should be happening behind the scene.

Design Detail

Customer complain

This project was initiated in response to customer feedback that PM gathered during a company conference and through an online survey about potential feature enhancements. Many customers expressed frustration with the need to navigate to separate online meeting platforms to schedule online meetings, then return to the Verse calendar to paste the copied meeting link and send it to invitees. This process became particularly cumbersome when meeting times needed to be rescheduled, requiring users to update both the Verse calendar and the meeting service separately. The primary goal of this project was to streamline this workflow, allowing users to schedule and manage online meetings directly within the Verse calendar, thereby enhancing productivity and user satisfaction.


While developing the user workflow of configuration of the online meeting service in Verse and the interface that the user is interacting with, I collaborated with developers in consideration of the technical feasibility of the design I deliver. Configuration process was quite complicated since DOMI needed to support Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex, and GoToMeeting, each with its unique API requirements. This necessitated the use of modern APIs for creating, updating, and deleting meetings across these platforms. However, as users' perspective, I wanted the user to interact with an uniform dialog that contains ONLY the most necessary steps and data for the user since all of the API and the server connections should be happening behind the scene.

Video to show current implemented feature

User testing


Above is screenshots of HCL Notes and iNotes Contacts UI. They appeared outdated and were not user-friendly. They had too many unnecessary input fields and outdated features inherited from the 1980s Lotus Notes which significantly affected the usability of the Contacts app and made the interface cluttered.

My mission was to improve the usability and interface design of HCL Verse Contacts while preserving its functionality and data integrity from Notes and iNotes.

Competitor analysis

As the next step, I conducted market research of other mail and calendar software that also has integrated Contacts app. I studied user experience, workflow and feature integration of Microsoft Outlook and Google Workspace. Below are the screenshots that I collected as the reference.

Microsoft Outlook


-Outlook Contacts seamlessly integrates with the Microsoft Outlook Mail and Calendar.

-Advanced features like Contact List and Group Contacts.

-Compatibility with MS 360 platform;

Groups can be shared for other MS apps such as Teams and Planner for project/ task planning.


-The interface of Outlook maybe overwhelming for some users, especially those who doesn't use much of advanced features.

-The keyboard navigation steps were not intuitive when the user is moving from the action bar to list of saved contacts.

Google Workspace


-Simplicity and ease of use; Google Contacts has a clean and intuitive interface.

-Seamless integration with Mobile devices providing cohesive user experience and convenient user workflow to access the contacts in mobile devices.



-While Google Contacts offers essential contact management features, it may lack some of the more advanced features.

User testing


Above is screenshots of HCL Notes and iNotes Contacts UI. They appeared outdated and were not user-friendly. They had too many unnecessary input fields and outdated features inherited from the 1980s Lotus Notes which significantly affected the usability of the Contacts app and made the interface cluttered.

My mission was to improve the usability and interface design of HCL Verse Contacts while preserving its functionality and data integrity from Notes and iNotes.

Competitor analysis

As the next step, I conducted market research of other mail and calendar software that also has integrated Contacts app. I studied user experience, workflow and feature integration of Microsoft Outlook and Google Workspace. Below are the screenshots that I collected as the reference.

Microsoft Outlook


-Outlook Contacts seamlessly integrates with the Microsoft Outlook Mail and Calendar.

-Advanced features like Contact List and Group Contacts.

-Compatibility with MS 360 platform;

Groups can be shared for other MS apps such as Teams and Planner for project/ task planning.


-The interface of Outlook maybe overwhelming for some users, especially those who doesn't use much of advanced features.

-The keyboard navigation steps were not intuitive when the user is moving from the action bar to list of saved contacts.

Google Workspace


-Simplicity and ease of use; Google Contacts has a clean and intuitive interface.

-Seamless integration with Mobile devices providing cohesive user experience and convenient user workflow to access the contacts in mobile devices.



-While Google Contacts offers essential contact management features, it may lack some of the more advanced features.